Minuki Medis
"Hey guys! I’m Minuki and I’m so excited to be one of your social coordinators this year! A little bit about me: I’m currently a junior Psychology major and Creative Writing minor! Once I graduate, I’m hoping to go to grad school to get a PsyD as a Clinical Psychologist. Outside of school, I’m a 1st degree brown belt in Isshinryu Karate, a competitive fighter, and I help to assist teach self-defense classes. I spend most of my free time writing poetry and songs, working on pyrography (woodburning art), drawing/painting, reading, and baking! I’ve pretty much perpetually got music playing; my favorite bands are Slaughter Beach, Dog (indie folk rock) and Blackbriar (symphonic metal). If you see me around campus, definitely come say hi - I love talking to people! We’re gonna have an awesome year and if you ever need anything feel free to message me on the HOSA instagram! :) "